Minutes of Meeting Armstrong Community Development District The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Armstrong Community Development District was held Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center, 845 Oakleaf Plantation Parkway, Orange Park, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kendrick Taylor Chairman Cameron Brown Vice Chairman Christine Bowen Supervisor Jorge Vergara Molero Supervisor Jeffrey Deal Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Jay Soriano GMS, Operations Ryan Wilson RMS Several Residents FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Lopez asked can we look at trashcans instead of doggie stations? There is a section about security, two of the gates at the amenity center are open but they are in the same section and if anyone had to leave the amenity center and somebody was coming from that direction we would be out of luck because there is no way to get out the back way, so maybe open a back gate rather than the side gate. That will give you two directions for egress. Ms. Giles stated I would like to amend the agenda to discuss suspensions: The suspension involves a minor so we won’t say the name on the record. Ms. Buchanan stated generally we would have the staff give an overview so the board members understand it and then you give an opportunity to anyone impacted by the situation to DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916 May 9, 2024 Armstrong CDD 2 provide comment that the board can take into consideration. Then the board will take whatever action they deem appropriate as far as taking no further action, impose a longer suspension or consider termination. The one thing I request that you think about is whether the action is an impact to individuals involved in the incident, or you want to consider the whole family to the extent that the impacted individual is old enough to make their own decisions, I generally discourage punishing the whole family. Mr. Wilson stated a resident had some guests they let a bunch of kids in, they jumped the back fence, ran into the parking lot and three kids from across the street walked up and 15-20 kids walked over and a firearm was discharged, I don’t think the two kids knew what was going to happen. Ms. Giles stated several supervisors showed up and we provided footage and some residents provided footage and it is now a CCSO investigation. After discussion the board took the following action. On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor the minor’s amenity privileges were suspended for one-year from the date of this meeting and staff was directed to send a second and confirming letter to the resident and to send an email reminder of the rules to the family of the minor who opened the gate for others to come into the pool area. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the April 11, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the minutes of the April 11, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal from GMS for Fiscal Year 2025 Services On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor the proposal from GMS for fiscal year 2025 services was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Pond Bank Inspection DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916 May 9, 2024 Armstrong CDD 3 This item tabled. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-04 Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing Date to Adopt Ms. Giles stated next is Resolution 2024-04 approving the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget and setting a public hearing date for adoption. Once we approve the budget, we will provide a copy to the county as required by Chapter 190, F.S., set the public hearing no sooner than 60 days and the date we proposed is your July 11th meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the same location. If there is going to be an increase in assessments you would want to approve the higher amount today and over the next couple of months the board will work with staff to possibly reduce that higher amount and you can adopt a new lower amount, but you can’t go in reverse. You can’t approve a lower amount and later adopt a higher amount. There is no increase in assessments for this district this year. There was a large increase last year and two years prior to that there was an increase when the developer left. Individual lines in the budget have gone up or down but there is no proposed increase unless during this discussion the board wants us to make changes to this. On MOTION by Ms. Bowen seconded by Mr. Taylor with all in favor Resolution 2024-04 approving the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget and setting the public hearing for July 11, 2024 was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Dog Waste Stations Staff was requested to relocate one doggie station from the dog park. B. Restriping the Courts On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor the proposal from Court Surfaces in the amount of $3,500 to stripe the tennis court for two pickleball courts was approved and staff was authorized to purchase two sets of nets. C. New Access System DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916 May 9, 2024 Armstrong CDD 4 This item tabled. D. AED This item will not be purchased at this time. E. Fitness Pro to Repair Life Fitness Equipment This item not needed since staff repaired the equipment. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. District Counsel There being none, the next item followed. B. District Engineer There being none, the next item followed. C. District Manager – Report on the Number of Registered Voters - 948 Ms. Giles stated a copy of the letter from the supervisor of elections indicating that there are 948 registered voters residing in the district was included in the agenda package. As a reminder the 2024 election cycle is coming up, the qualifying period is the second week in June for seat 1 and seat 5. A resident has placed his name to be considered on the ballot. Seat 1 and seat 5 if you want to stay on the board you will need to qualify to put your name on the ballot. As a reminder you still have the form 1 requirement that is due prior to July 1. You also have your ethics training that is due before December 31. D. Facility Manager 1. Report Mr. Wilson gave an overview of the facility manager’s report, copy of which was included in the agenda package. Mr. Soriano stated we want to adjust Ryan’s hours from the winter schedule to have coverage in the summer. We will clear with this RMS before he changes the hours. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916 May 9, 2024 Armstrong CDD 5 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Audience Comments Additional Supervisor comments: process to have a bounce house on district property. Additional Audience comments: several residents complained about the small pond by Amberly Drive having algae, excess weeds, lots of frogs, and the water level is always low, grass clippings go into the pond and stay there, security, amenity center policies, eventual silting of ponds, weight of portable nets for pickleball may damage tennis court surfaces, complaints about trash in the wood line along Heatherbrook Place, pool pavers on the beach side of the pool have shifted, missing tiles, lights in the pool don’t go on, sprinklers at Amberly Drive not working, certain sidewalks are holding water, consider purchasing an AED and one of the security guards has a bad attitude and doesn’t want to be here. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Financial Statements as of April 30, 2024 A copy of the financials was included in the agenda package. B. Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Brown seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the check register was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Shade Session: Discussion Regarding Amenity Center Security The board went into a shade session after which they reconvened the regular meeting. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – June 13, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting will be held June 13, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. in the same location. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916 May 9, 2024 Armstrong CDD 6 On MOTION by Mr. Vergara Molero seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairperson/Vice Chairperson DocuSign Envelope ID: 5856AAC6-C7AD-48D6-97AF-DAEC65D0E916