Minutes of Meeting Armstrong Community Development District The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Armstrong Community Development District was held Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 3:34 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center, 845 Oakleaf Plantation Parkway, Orange Park, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kendrick Taylor Chairman Cameron Brown Vice Chairman Christine Bowen Supervisor Jorge Vergara Molero Supervisor by telephone Jeffrey Deal Supervisor by telephone Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Bill Schaeffer District Engineer Jay Soriano GMS, Operations Ryan Wilson RMS Sarah Sweeting GMS FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the March 14, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor the minutes of the March 14, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. DocuSign Envelope ID: 62BBD141-4371-4B47-A76A-F9D4E2B23A75 April 11, 2024 Armstrong CDD 2 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Discussion and Guidance for Preparation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Ms. Giles stated there was some talk about adding a special event line and whether the HOA was going to maintain that. Is there an update on that? Ms. Bowen stated the HOA does still have a $3,000 budget line; it is not projected to go away. Ms. Giles asked is that a line you want to add to the CDD budget, or do you feel that line is covered through the HOA? Mr. Taylor stated there is no one chairing that committee for the HOA, I do know there are events that people like in our neighborhood. I feel it would be nice to have those things so if the HOA doesn’t have someone to do those, we may want to budget for it and we can always make that change if needed. Mr. Brown asked if the district facilitated the events, the HOA could pay for that. Ms. Giles stated we have that in some districts where the HOA has a little extra money and will partner with the district and make donations towards the events. Mr. Cameron stated I think that would be a good option to have our own budget line for more events or bigger events. Ms. Giles stated Christine and I looked at what other districts have in that line and some have $5,000. Ms. Bowen stated $3,000 might be a good starting point if the HOA has $3,000. It was the consensus of the board to put $3,000 in the budget line at this time. Mr. Taylor stated since there is no event committee on the HOA, could the district begin this partnership and coordinate events and the HOA would fund it? Ms. Giles stated yes. Ms. Bowen stated repair and replacement line under the amenity center needs to be increased. Mr. Soriano stated it is easier to combine it and increase it. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals A. Dog Waste Stations This item tabled. DocuSign Envelope ID: 62BBD141-4371-4B47-A76A-F9D4E2B23A75 April 11, 2024 Armstrong CDD 3 B. Restriping the Courts This item tabled. C. New Access System This item tabled. D. AED This item tabled. E. Landscaping Around the Amenity Center/Pool Deck Staff directed to do the mulch around the two trees in the pool deck within their spending limit. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. District Counsel There being none, the next item followed. B. District Engineer Ms. Giles stated in the future would you like the district engineer at every meeting, attend the first few to get a feel for the district. Mr. Taylor stated the first meeting was good but if there is not a pressing need then he can come to the meetings as needed. Mr. Schaeffer will bring back a proposal to do the stormwater management inspection. Mr. Vergara Molero left the conference call during this item. C. District Manager Ms. Giles stated the election cycle is coming up, the qualifying period is the second week in June and that is for seat 1 and seat 5. You have the form 1 requirement that is now done online that is due by July 1 and ethics training is due by the end of the year. We will approve your budget at your May 9th meeting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 62BBD141-4371-4B47-A76A-F9D4E2B23A75 April 11, 2024 Armstrong CDD 4 D. Facility Manger 1. Report Mr. Wilson gave an overview of the facility manager’s report, copy of which was included in the agenda package. 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Audience Comments Additional Supervisor’s comments: erosion by drain on a resident’s property on a pond bank undermining a neighbor’s fence post, cutting weeds next to sidewalk is the responsibility of the homeowner not the district, report the need of a U-turn lane to the county, eblast sent to community on reporting streetlight issues. Additional Audience comments: security not doing their job at the amenity center, need to replace fire extinguisher that is expired over a year, need caulk and removal of spider eggs at amenity, water sitting on sidewalk on Heatherbrook, tables at amenity need to be cleaned. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Financial Statements as of March 31, 2024 A copy of the financials was included in the agenda package. B. Check Register On MOTION by Ms. Bowen seconded by Mr. Brown with all in favor the check register was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – May 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting will be held May 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the same location. DocuSign Envelope ID: 62BBD141-4371-4B47-A76A-F9D4E2B23A75 April 11, 2024 Armstrong CDD 5 On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairperson/Vice Chairperson DocuSign Envelope ID: 62BBD141-4371-4B47-A76A-F9D4E2B23A75