Minutes of Meeting Armstrong Community Development District The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Armstrong Community Development District was held Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center, 845 Oakleaf Plantation Parkway, Orange Park, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kendrick Taylor Chairman Cameron Brown Vice Chairman Christine Bowen Supervisor Jorge Vergara Molero Supervisor Jeffrey Deal Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Zach Brecht District Engineer by telephone Jay Soriano GMS, Operations Ryan Wilson RMS Several Residents FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Henley asked are the minutes online? Ms. Bowen stated yes, and the minutes are always a month in arrears. At this meeting we are going to approve the October minutes then they will be posted to the website. Ms. Giles stated also on the website is the agenda package for tonight’s meeting and a copy of the draft minutes are in that agenda package. A resident stated I live on Tynes and the pond at Tynes and Amberly is completely full of algae. I understand you are going to terminate the company now. How is that going to be cleaned up for the holiday season? DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 2 Mr. Taylor stated we have sent the termination letter to Sitex Aquatics and we received proposals for pond maintenance and we will make that decision at this meeting to hire a new company. We also changed some of the language in the contract to make them more responsible for the quality of their work. A resident asked what about a fountain to provide more aeration? Mr. Taylor stated we are looking at adding fish as a method to clean instead of a fountain because of the cost. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the October 12, 2023 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the minutes of the October 12, 2023 meeting were approved as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Amenity Facility Policy Updates Ms. Giles stated at the last meeting the board authorized Ms. Bowen to work on those administrative changes and we emailed that out yesterday. Ms. Bowen reviewed the proposed changes that included changes to the guest policy, smoking policy, health department rules, age at the gym and other facilities when unaccompanied by an adult, additional fees under rentals and guest policy under rentals. Ms. Giles stated I will post it to the district website and give a copy to Ryan so that he can send out an eblast. On MOTION by Mr. Vergara Molero seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor the proposed amendments to the amenity facility policy were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Series 2019 Pay Requisition No. 104 On MOTION by Ms. Bowen seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor Requisition no. 104 from the 2019 Series Bonds was ratified. DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 3 SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-02 Declaring Series 2019A Project Complete Ms. Buchanan stated this resolution goes through and summarizes the district’s history in connection with the 2019 Project. We adopted approved plans, we issued bonds, allocated special assessments and at this point we can finalize the process. The blank on page 2 is going to be filled in with the total amount of money that has been paid out of the construction account, it goes through and certifies that the district engineer has reviewed the project and certified it complete and the board accepts that certification that the project is complete and it confirms the assessments are done and properly allocated. Section 5 confirms the improvement lien book, which is maintained by Marilee’s office and confirms that the assessments levied against each of the individual units are still valid and consistent in connection with the methodology report. It is a way to declare the construction project complete, which is required under the bond documents, and it also declares the assessment process complete, which is required by Florida Statutes. On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor Resolution 2024-02 was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Series 2017 Pay Requisitions 81-83 On MOTION by Ms. Bowen seconded by Mr. Taylor with all in favor requisitions 81-83 from the 2017 Series Bonds were ratified. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Resignation from District Engineer and Authorization for Staff to Issue an RFQ On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the district engineer’s resignation was accepted. Ms. Giles stated on page 67 you will see engineering services selection criteria that is the first step in the RFQ process that we will use. Ms. Buchanan stated the criteria that you select your engineer from is set by the statutes and those factors are required under Florida Law. The way you weight them is your choice. Price is not included; by law you retain engineering representation through the consultant’s competitive DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 4 negotiations act. You evaluate and procure engineering services based on these factors alone. Once you find an engineer you determine to be qualified you go back and negotiate price with them based on generally an hourly type of rate and they provide you with a work authorization with their hourly rates and estimated budget for the year that you will generally approve once a year. Mr. Brown asked how does that work with the budget? Was the original engineer paid from the construction funds and this one will be on our budget now? Ms. Buchanan stated work that Zach did that was related to construction came out of the bond funds, the work that Zach did in connection with board meetings or responding to resident requests came out of the general fund. You will continue going forward to fund the administrative work that the district engineer will do out of the general fund. There shouldn’t be a lot of construction costs going forward. On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the selection criteria was approved. On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor staff was authorized to issue an RFQ for engineering services. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. District Counsel Ms. Buchanan stated we hope that between now and the next meeting we will incur sufficient costs to wipe out the 2017 construction fund and we hope to close out that project at your next board meeting with a resolution similar to what you adopted today. Ms. Giles stated what we anticipate for that 2017 project is that street sweeping will take care of that. Mr. Soriano stated since this was being done in conjunction with the county and we ended up being down the list and the company coming up from Fort Lauderdale to work with the county is the one the developer is paying. B. District Engineer There being none the next item followed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 5 C. District Manager Ms. Giles stated you had asked about board oversight titles and I came up with a couple: amenity center, security, landscape and pond maintenance, common areas and maybe programming events, financing and accounting. You don’t have to do this board oversight, but it allows staff the opportunity to talk to one supervisor going forward. No decisions will be made outside of a meeting, but if a supervisor sees something or there is an area of more concern that they want to work with staff on, it allows us to work with one supervisor. D. Facility Manager 1. Report Mr. Wilson gave an overview of the operations report, copy of which was included in the agenda package that included a discussion on ending the contract on the doggie stations and doing that inhouse, and additional stations. On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor staff was authorized to terminate the contract with Doody Daddy effective today. Ms. Giles stated the letter will go out Tuesday and it will be 30-days from that to be effective. Mr. Soriano stated we would like to move Ryan’s work hours back to Monday to Friday until we get into spring. We have tried to work with Lake Doctors but their pricing was high and they adjusted their price again to meet our budget, they took the fish pricing out of the contract and if we do the fish we will be well beyond budget. If we go with Lake Doctors we will be slightly over and have to find room for the fish in another budget line. Mr. Taylor stated it sounds like we want to go with Lake Doctors. Do you think we can find the $3,000 somewhere in the budget? Ms. Giles stated yes. DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 6 On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Deal with all in favor the contract with The Lake Doctors was approved. Mr. Taylor stated we talked last month about possibly opening the gym a couple hours earlier from 5:00 a.m. to 3 or 4 a.m. Ms. Giles stated staff has an update as to how many folks actually use the gym. Mr. Wilson stated there are three people who use it every day. Mr. Taylor stated let’s revisit it in January to see if we want to change that. 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Audience Comments Additional Supervisor’s comments: Followed up with county commissioners and staff and addressed speed bumps on Royal Pines, damaged umbrellas, Christmas lights, missing pool tiles, Toys for Tots. Additional Audience comments: Possibly allow access to amenity to the Sheriff’s deputies, adding fish may encourage fishing in the ponds, catch and release, notify residents when grass has been treated, condition of ponds, take care of ponds before investing in fish, low attendance at meetings, why do some ponds have fountains and others do not. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Financial Statements as of October 31, 2023 A copy of the financials was included in the agenda package. B. Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. Vergara Molero with all in favor the check register was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – December 14, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at the Plantation Oaks Amenity Center DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD November 9, 2023 Armstrong CDD 7 Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at the same location. On MOTION by Mr. Brown seconded by Ms. Bowen with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairperson/Vice Chairperson DocuSign Envelope ID: 653BD52F-6FCD-4D8A-88F6-A0D897FB5AFD